Wednesday, November 4, 2009


In the summer of 2006 I had the priveledge to go on a missions trip to Swaziland & Mozambique. They are 2 countries in Africa - waaaay down at the bottom right.

I was told before I went, "When you come home, you will return to Africa everyday in your mind." - very, very true. Still, 3 years later, not too many days (if any) go by that I don't think about the time when I was there. It is something I almost cannot even explain, but since you are reading my blog and not my brain, I'll do my best to put it into words.

When I would tell people I was going to Africa, I would get the usual response, "oh you are going to see how blessed we are to live in America because the people there are so poor..." or "wow, you will apprecaite all the things you have even more..." etc. While those things are true - we are immensely blessed to live in America, and all the people I came in contact with were indeed poor, my "take away" from those 2 weeks was a lot different. LIFE CHANGING different.

Lesson #1 - Never let go of your joy.

The Bible talks alot about the "last being first, and the first being last" and the greatest is the "servant of all" - these are the things I learned in Africa. The people I met were poor - as in, they lived in a mud hut - but those with Jesus inside of them were far richer than a billionaire without Jesus. The JOY in their smiles, the sincerity of their laughter - I still think about these things to this day. I want that kind of joy - the kind that no one can take away from you. The joy of the Lord cannot be manufactured, it is His gift to you, it is your strength. Life can try to take that God given joy away from you, but it is only gone if you let go of it.

Lesson #2 - We serve a really, really BIG God.

We traveled what seemed like forever to get to Swaziland. Flight schedule = New Orleans to Atlanta to London (6 hour lay over) to Dubai (another long lay over) to Johannesburg, S. Africa (another lay over) FINALLY to Manzini, Swaziland. Oh my goodness, my body was so out of sorts. I didn't know whether it was time to go to sleep or wake up or what! I do know that I got some good sleep on the floor of the London air port.

Yeah, that's me, asleep on the floor :).

This was my first time to travel internationally. Our flight schedule may have been wierd, but I got to see some cool places along the way. And just like God created me in Baton Rouge, LA; He created all of these other people and places that are FAR away from me, my culture/way of life - AND He loves them JUST like He loves ME! I know it is a really simple thought, but my eyes were so opened to others around me. I've had a very blessed life, which is something I have taken for granted many times. Not everyone grows up in a Christian home, with both of their parents in the same household, go to school, play sports, etc. There are others who have no idea what that is like. I learned God is all about serving OTHERS. Even the landscape was huge, and God created it ALL. AH-MAZING! You might be thinking, "uh, DUH, did you not read the part in the Bible where it says 'God created the heavens & the earth'???". I've read that, been taught about it, but God SHOWED it to me. I don't even have a picture to put with this lesson that even comes close to doing it justice; but I'm telling you, God is big, He loves everyone the same - the redeemed and the not redeemed yet. I'm sure there are countless times I could have seen and learned this lesson in my own backyard, but I guess I was just too consumed with my own self that I wasn't listening or looking. Ouch, I had to do and still do some praying on that one. I can be one selfish chick. Look around, God is BIG.

If I were to try to type all the things I learned, and the things God dealt with me on in those 14 days, I'd never stop typing. So there's just 2 very small things. If you EVER get the opportunity to go on a missions trip, GO. Please GO. It is amazing what God will speak to you and show you when you get away from your familiar surroundings with the intent of serving someone else. It doesn't have to be Africa, it doesn't have to be outside the USA, God is SO big. He is everywhere, even right where you are sitting at this very moment.

One more thing...

When the team I was with went to Mozambique, we helped prepare the foundation for what is now Healing Place Church: Mozambique. When I see pictures of the completed building, I just am in awe. There were tons of beautiful kids around, and we all (kids included) surrounded the church and prayed. It was another one of those moments I will never forget.

Here is a picture of what the church looked like 3 years ago...

Here it is now...

WOW. Thousands of kids are fed here everyday. They attend church here, reach out to the community from here, learn here, etc. It is incredible how God has used the church. I'm so honored that I had just a very small role in this amazing work that God has done and is doing in this community.

There is a song that Elton Veals (one of the worship leaders at HPC) wrote. It is called "The Response". Get your Kleenex box because without a doubt, this will touch your heart.

Here I am again, for the millionth time, amazed at what God has done & is doing, and going back to Africa in my mind.

XOXO - Linny


Melissa said...

OH WOW! I'm so glad you wrote this blog. That is awesome. I learned a lot on my trip to Panama (1997), but wow that was ages ago. I've always wanted to go to Africa! Maybe one day. Anyway, i love what God taught you. I love that first pic of the lady smiling! & the church looks AWESOME!

Lindsay Rome said...

Thanks! I had to blog about it, such an amazing time in my life! Doesn't the church look awesome!! It's kind of up on a hill, which is cool b/c you can see it from far away. I really, really want to go back soon!